York | 01904 634221
Exhibition runs Friday 24th of March, 2023,
until Sunday 16th of April, 2023 at our York gallery

Bringing together the work of plein air painters Julian Mason, Michael John Ashcroft, ROI and David Sawyer, RBA, this mixed show explores the powerful call of the landscape and the myriad opportunities to be found on its beckoning horizons.

Julian Mason | A plein air painter with a keen love of the outdoors, Julian communicates his ardent passion for the natural landscape through each of his paintings. Full of wild, uninhibited energy, his work encourages viewers to see and experience the landscape with an enlivened sense of appreciation. Often walking for miles through remote and rugged terrain, Julian is firmly dedicated to conveying the movement and light of the landscape in all seasons.

Michael John Ashcroft, ROI | Michael's style is contemporary, but grounded in his application of traditional methods. A member of the prestigious Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Manchester Academy of Fine Art and the iconic ‘Northern Boys’ group of painters, Michael is a both a well-recognised and much-respected face on the contemporary art scene.

David Sawyer, RBA | David describes himself as a modern British Impressionist, working within the tradition of landscape painting. He is primarily interested in architectural subjects and how light and the surrounding landscape reveal the nature of their structure, as well as create mood and atmosphere. A member of the Royal Society of British Artists and previous official tour artist to Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, David Sawyer is a multi-award winning artist of recognition amongst his contemporaries and beyond.